In over 50 years’ experience, we have designed guest toiletries for all bathroom environments and every type of client. All of our products are entirely made in Italy, in strict compliance with current European regulations. Our toiletries have innovative formulations and our accessories can match every accommodation. You can even decide to customize your hotel amenities. Quality is our top priority. That’s why our hotel amenities are enriched with natural extracts from high-quality raw materials.

Courtesy set: what are guests’ expectations?


Hotel amenities are a crucial element for guest satisfaction. The accommodation facility must select cosmetic products that have excellent quality and come in the right quantity and adequate variety.

The choice is not simple at all, and there are no one-size-fits-all rules for all accommodation facilities. It's not just about price or hotel category - although these issues do matter - but about a long list of features to consider when making the selection.

So, what are the most relevant aspects to consider when choosing cosmetic products? What should never be overlooked? What do guests expect? Here are all our answers.

Natural Formulations: The Future of Cosmetics is Green

We're talking about a trend that is now more than well-established. Guests - and consumers in general - are increasingly attentive to the formulation of cosmetic products.

They prefer lines with natural formulations, even better if they are enriched with extracts or natural ingredients like olive oil, black clay or sea salt, which can make the skin more beautiful and hair stronger.

The advantages of cosmetics focused on natural formulations are twofold. On one hand, natural ingredients have incredible cosmetic properties, and on the other hand, they are highly tolerated even by the most sensitive skin.

Paraben-Free and Cruelty-Free Cosmetics

If we aim to win over guests with an exceptionally refined cosmetic proposal, we can choose paraben-free or vegan products that are not tested on animals.

Parabens are powerful antibacterials and fungicides used as preservatives in the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries, classified as potential endocrine disruptors.

Their use in small quantities is not harmful, but if we can offer our guests the security of gentle products without these harmful substances, why not do it?

The same goes for vegan cosmetics, which do not contain animal derivatives - for example, honey, often used in hair products and moisturizing lotions - or ingredients tested on animals.

Finding a cruelty-free product in their hotel room will undoubtedly be a delightful gift for customers who are conscious of the ethical impact of their choices, but not only for them.

To Each Accommodation Facility, Its Own Courtesy Set

There are no hotel amenities better than the others, but only the most suitable ones for the specific features and individual needs of each accommodation facility.

Courtesy sets suitable for the season and the location

Two fundamental elements are seasonality and location.

As we have already seen talking about hotel courtesy sets for summertime, customer habits and cosmetic preferences change along with the weather.

While nourishing and richer-textured cosmetics are perfect for protecting the skin from the cold in winter, fresher, fast-absorbing cosmetics with a light texture are preferred in summer.

Another very important factor is the location. Some courtesy sets evoke a certain atmosphere or seem tailor-made for a specific accommodation.

For example, cosmetic products enriched with sea salt would be more suitable for hotels by the seaside than for mountain lodges, just as a set with herbs and medicinal plants would be more appropriate for countryside holiday farms than for luxury hotels in the city center.

Knowing Your Customers to Tailor the Best Offer

Beyond the season and location, what really matters is knowing your target customers perfectly.

Does the hotel host business travelers staying for a couple of nights at most, or families with children who stay for weeks?

Hotel amenities have their own identity, with specific cosmetic properties and a characteristic fragrance. Only considering the target audience can the best proposal be selected.

The Right Quantity, the Right Quality

So far, we've focused on which set to choose, but the first question we should ask ourselves is how many products do I need? What is the right quantity to provide for? And how many different cosmetics to include?

Choosing the Right Size

The first rule is simple: no waste. If the average stay is 2 nights, there's no need for large bottles. It just means wasting product (and money).

On the contrary, if guests stay longer, we need to provide a larger quantity to the room, which should always be largely enough.

Dispensers, in this sense, are the perfect solution. Customers are satisfied because they can use as much product as they desire, and the hotel doesn’t have to throw away half-used bottles.

Beyond the Classic Set: Here Are the Accessories!

And now, the crucial question: what should be included in a hotel courtesy set? How to compose a proper set that pleases guests while being a cost-effective investment? Besides shampoo, body lotion, soap and shower gel, which other products should be included?

As we have already seen about hotel amenities for male clientele, each target audience can be "spoiled" with small gestures and attention that will undoubtedly be rewarded with guest satisfaction.

If the hotel often hosts young guests, a set dedicated to them should be provided. Similarly, if the clientele consists mainly of business travelers, it's better to avoid floral scents and romantic packaging.

If, on the other hand, the majority of guests are women, additional products like a vanity set, bath salts, or a shower cap will surely be appreciated.

What customers expect, in a few words, is top-level hospitality. High-quality products with natural formulations, in the right quantity and variety, plus, of course, meticulous attention to detail.

With Detercom hotel amenities, we can offer all of this and much more!


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