Hotel amenities are the first thing our guests will notice walking in their bathroom. Obviously, b&b, guest houses and business hotels are extremely different when it comes to “how much to order”. Nonetheless, the rule is just one: choose only first quality toiletries.
Our toiletries are enriched with rich, organic olive oil. Their innovative formulation makes them perfect for a vast range of accommodations. Cold pressed olive oil is a precious ingredient, well-known for its exceptional qualities. Moreover, olive oil has a neutral fragrance, suitable for both male and female customers.
These hotel amenities have such a gentle formula they can even be used for baby baths.
Let’s see in detail the properties and peculiarities of these products and the precious value of olive oil.
Olive Oil: Italian Excellence
Olive oil is a distinctive product of Italy the whole world appraises. Using it to enrich hotel toiletries is a winning decision. Foreign customers will fall in love with this authentic Italian product.
Oil is a natural element, used in cosmetics ever since antiquity. The Phoenicians would call it “fluid gold”, and the ancient Egyptian would use it to soothe skin and to lighten hair. The Greeks, on the other hand, would use olive oil as an original muscle warmer for Olympic athletes. Olive oil has even spread to China and Japan, where its precious properties were distinguished for cosmetics much further than for nutrition.
Furthermore, oil is a bad thermal conductor. Middle eastern population would grease themselves with olive oil in order to create a protective film against sunburns and preserve their skin from dust and filth. Skin is totally insulated from sun rays as well as from cold.
In the last few years, olive oil has come back onto the scene as the main natural extract for toiletries and hotel amenities. This trend is based on a new sensibility and an increasing request for natural products.
Olive oil is natural, genuine, healthy. Its environmental footprint is very low and it comes from local sources, since the olive oil used in our products is entirely produced in Italy.
Cosmetic properties of olive oil
Olive oil is actually a fluid gold that is rich in natural and restorative elements. Let’s find out which are the most important.
Biophenols: These natural antioxidants work against the tissue damage induced by free radicals. Olive oil prevents the oxidation of the tissue cells, for a young and renewed skin. We can definitely assert olive oil is the best natural anti-aging treatment.
Olive oil’s biophenols are photoprotective. This means they prevent photoinhibition and oxidative stress caused by UV radiation.
Oleic Acid and Vitamin E: They have nourishing and soothing properties. While synthetic, harsh soaps may cause irritation, olive oil protects and nourishes all kinds of skin, even the most sensitive. It absorbs quickly and it has a soothing action that neutralizes redness. Olive oil relieves rashes and skin eruptions, even the most severe such as eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis. It moisturises dry, cracked skin and strengthen weak, thin hair and nails.
Oro Verde Hotel Amenities
The Oro Verde guest amenities, rich in Italian organic olive oil extracts, stands for authenticity and genuineness. Two concepts lay its foundation: environmental respect and the rejection of chemicals and herbicide for olive tree farming.
Our cosmetics are entirely made in Italy in strict compliance with current European regulations. Their quality is 100% guaranteed.
Last, but not least, all of the products included in Oro Verde hotel amenities have a cruelty-free, vegan formulation. This is another essential benefit. Our guests will certainly esteem environmental awareness and the promotion of animal welfare.
Every accommodation should offer the best quality cosmetics for hair and body care. Those enriched with olive oil are amongst the best.
Oro Verdeshampoo and hair conditioner make the most of the nourishing properties of olive oil. They moisturize, soothe and relieve dry, inflamed scalp. Weak, thin hair becomes healthy and shiny.
As for body care, our body wash, shower gel, and body lotion have nutrient and antioxidant properties. They provide a deep, natural hydration, perfect for dry, inflamed skin.
Body lotion is nourishing and moisturizing, to leave skin smooth and revived. It is perfect after sunbathing as well as after skiing because olive oil shields from skin damage. That’s why this body lotion really matches with every hotel facility.
As an alternative to bottles, bar soaps have the same rich, nourishing formula. Our customers can choose the packaging between flow-pack, little paper boxes or pleat-wrapped.
Intimate wash is not something you would expect from hotel amenities. Therefore, offering it to your guests is a very clever idea. Attention to details is the key to success. Some customers are hard to please, but we assure you these hotel amenities will fulfill every request.
What’s more, olive oil is so gentle that it is highly recommended especially for sensitive skin, like, indeed, intimate parts.
All of these products are paraben free. This means that preservatives and harmful chemicals are not a part of the formula. They come in various packaging and sizes, so that every hotel is free to choose its proper quantity.
When picking hotel amenities, each hotel should consider budget, turnout and customer base. It is a crucial decision which can heavily affect customer’s satisfaction. Guest amenities rich in Italian organic olive oil can make all the difference. We are sure your guests will be fully satisfied with this choice.